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GPS Maps Extremely Useful for Your Android

If you Adroid phone equipped with GPS, the GPS Maps is an application that will help you if you do not know the directions on the way to a location / place. With this app, you can track / mark wherever you are traveling. Some Maps app can even show (suggest) to where you should go if you want to go to a specific location.

One GPS application that you can use is AT & T Navigator: navigasi GPS
Screenshots GPS navigation
Voice-guided GPS navigation, traffic & search.
Automatic map updates included.
One-tap traffic avoidance.
Search for and navigate to the lowest gas prices.

AT&T Navigator works on Android phones. Must have an AT&T mobile phone number to subscribe. A tablet version of AT&T Navigator is available for some AT&T Android tablets and can be used on the same account as the mobile phone version of Navigator without an extra fee.

Google Play Link: AT&T Navigator: GPS navigation

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