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Nokia to Provide Mobile Features Glance into all of its Windows 8

Nokia Lumia 820
Many users Lumia seemingly confused because in it does not have the features of Nokia Glance. Because this feature is not shared by all series of Nokia. But for Lumia users do not have to worry anymore, because Nokia has confirmed it will connect to the Nokia Glance into all devices Lumia Windows Phone 8 update it via Nokia Amber.

Nokia Glance is a look at the active when the screen is locked. This interface allows very useful for users to check the time on their mobile phones without having to turn on the screen.

Original reason Nokia did not put this feature might be due to save power on the phone. But it is apparently inversely proportional to the user's needs. Although this feature looks ordinary, but in fact many users still expect the feature. To the extent there is a question on our FAQ's (Frequently asked questions) on page of the site Nokia.
page of the site Nokia

An earlier rumor said that the Lumia devices running on the LCD screen will not get that feature. And now Nokia has confirmed that Glance features will not make its way to the Lumia 520 and Lumia 521. According to Nokia, the reason behind this is due to hardware restrictions. Moreover, one merupaikan Lumia 520 Lumia devices with the lowest prices.

But contrary to some of the series that uses sailing as AMOLED (Lumia 810, 820, 822, 925, 928, 1020), probably will get these features through the Update Nokia Amber OTA (Over The Air). Update your Nokia Lumia devices are expected to be rolled at the end of this summer.

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