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Blackberry Battery Saving Tips

Blackberry is still the best-selling gadget, despite being rivaled by the Android smartphone. Wasteful batteries to be one serious problem because at the time more fun calling or BBM ( Official Applications BBM )suddenly drop and cell phone battery went dead. Follow these quick tips to make the battery can be more efficient and also extend the life of battery life Blackberry.

Blackberry Battery Saving Tips

Here are 9 Tips on How to Save Battery Blackberry.
  1. Signals Network Operators
    Select a signal and network operators a great and stable because BB ( How to Change Blackberry Signature When Sending Email )phones do not require a lot of power to search for weak signals. If retaining the SIM card from the carrier with a weak signal can be sure the battery will heat faster and faster too exhausted.
  2. Dim Screen Mobile
    The brightness of the screen to be one of the causes of inefficient battery. Typically around 50-60 percent of battery power used to least bright phone screen. For daily use rate of the lowest screen brightness is still quite bright in Blackberry. To enter the settings menu Options -> Screen / Keyboard and set the Backlight Brightness to 10 or adjust to comfort.
  3. The Connectivity Turn off Unused
    Not infrequently it is often overlooked Blackberry users on the grounds that no longer looking for complicated settings when it is actually pretty decent for battery saving. Wi-fi, Bluetooth and GPS are better used when it is necessary, if not better all turned off.
  4. Use Features On / Off
    Blackberry has a feature that automatically turn off the phone function and also live up to the setting at which we specify. This feature should be used so that when we are tired of the day-to-day activities are not disturbed again from BBM broadcast sound and certainly more efficient batteries. Get into the Options menu -> Devices -> Auto On / Off and checkmark (Enabled) to activate. Set time Weekday (Monday-Friday) eg Turn On At: 07:00 and Turn Off At: 22:00 trus set also Weekend (Saturday-Sunday) if necessary.
  5. Use the Theme Default
    Theme is available free and paid it to make home screen look more fresh and different from the other Blackberry phones. But it will also affect whether or not wasteful battery consumption especially themenya using animation. Better to set the default theme to default BB lighter and without excessive animation.
  6. Remove Applications That Rarely Used
    If many download applications from Blackberry World Better be selected first which applications are really necessary and which are rarely or perhaps never used. Delete all application via the menu Options -> Advance Options -> Application then remove / delete all unnecessary applications.
  7. Close Application With a True
    Often occurs suddenly Blackberry battery heat then immediately drop the battery cool and calm whereas previously wrote. Quizzed had inquired there was a perfect game has not been closed so still running in the background. The way is easy, it is usually misunderstood. Do not close the application by pressing the End key as the application / game will keep running in the background. Better cover with the Escape key or through the menu and select Close.
  8. Adjust Function Profile
    Adjust profile settings to make it more efficient batteries such as ring tones are not too hard, do not use the LED notification, turn off the vibrate mode semasih voice function is still active.
  9. Adjust Backlight Timeout
    This function usually is directly active in BB phone but it never hurts checked again via the menu Options -> Screen / Keyboard -> Backlight Timeout better set to the shortest possible time such as 10 second / second. So the screen when not in use more than 10 seconds will turn off automatically.
That's nine quick tips to make the battery more efficient Blackberry and of course duration is also less frequent battery recharging. Hopefully you can be more durable BB battery yes and do not forget to send us your comments below.

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